Welcome to the one-stop textile resource. Textilegab.com - The Textile Forum!
Since 1994, Unicate has been specializing in textile-focused services and software that improve your efficiency and processes - from tighter production control to more accessible information.
Unicate's purpose is also to facilitate communication between textile businesses and provide an environment that fosters professional relationships. We connect you with the people and the technology that will help you succeed.
Your business is unique: your clients, your needs and your goals require a solution that is right for you. As a Unicate client, you get customized and results-oriented services. Contact us today to find out more.
As of June 2009, we've taken the next step in knowledge-sharing. Unicate's TextileGab is a forum based on mutual collaboration and networking: members can look for answers, advice, resources and offers, while also sharing their own experience and insight with others in need.